Tidak Puas Dengan Kinerja Petugas Cleaning Service dan Office Boy Lama Anda...??? D&D Clean and Health International solusinya..., kami akan membuat Anda Puas...!!!
Kami siap melayani Anda dengan profesional membuat seluruh areal lingkungan Anda bersih dan sehat dengan berbagai aroma terapi sesuai permintaan Anda, kami juga menggunakan obat pembunuh kuman di semua titik manapun juga bila Anda minta baik indoor maupun outdoor cleaning.
Maaf...! Jasa ini kami berikan khusus bagi Anda yang peduli soal kualitas, bukan soal harga...!!!
About Us
D&D Clean and Health International adalah didukung oleh personil yang profesional dan telah terlatih dari berbagai perusahaan Indonesia. Kami menyajikan cleaning service system yang profesional untuk memberikan suasana nyaman, bersih dan sehat di setiap area.
Bukan hanya di office area tetapi juga di areal rumah tinggal Anda, kami selalu siap membantu sesuai dengan permintaan dan kemauan hati Anda. Kami juga menerima renovasi, pembuatan dan perawatan taman/lanscaping, swimming pool dll.
Didasarkan rasa saling percaya D&D Clean and Health International hanya menerima klien/kastemer tertentu saja yang dapat kami percaya atau sebaliknya yang dapat mempercayai kami sepenuh hati.
Visi, Misi dan Budaya Perusahaan
Seluruh anggota keluarga besar D&D Clean and Health International harus selalu memegang teguh visi, misi dan budaya kesatuan dalam melaksanakan berbagai tugasnya.
Menjadi mitra terpercaya bagi perusahaan, organisasi maupun individual di seluruh dunia dengan menjunjung tinggi profesionalisme dalam mengemban tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan.
1. Bertekad menjadi partner terbaik bagi individu maupun perusahaan berskala nasional dan Internasional yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia.2. Memberikan nilai tambah bagi mitra usaha, perusahaan dan karyawan.3. Mensejahterahkan masyarakat luas dengan terus membuka lapangan kerja baru.
Menjunjung tinggi profesionalisme dalam bertugas, disiplin, jujur, loyal, berdedikasi, berintegritas tinggi, berfikir aktif, kreatif, bekerja secara efektif dan efisien.
Produk D&D Clean and Health International :
A. Produk Jasa (Service/ Layanan)
1. Ceaning Serivce (Janitoral): Climatic and environmental conditions in Indonesia are not entirely conducive to cleanliness. With monsoons, heat and dust, not to mention pollution, it is necessary to take a specialized approach to the professional maintenance of buildings. Jasa tenaga personal dalam hal cleaning service, general cleaning, one day cleaning, baik untuk perkartoran, rumah sakit, apotik, mall, rukan, butik, pabrik, maupun perumahan, indoor maupun outdoor cleaning. We have:
- high quality cleaning for the interiors and exteriors of offices, factories, department stores, retail outlets, hotels and service apartments.
- specialist cleaning for sensitive environments such as schools, hospitals, food processing areas and factory "clean rooms"
- high-rise external glass and facade cleaning as well as cleaning of curtain walls, high ceilings inside
- the building, chandeliers and other delicate decoration objects
- restoration and maintenance of marble and granite surfaces
- carpets, curtains and furniture cleaning:
- Cusi Sofa/Kursi Rp. 100.000,-/ seat
- Cuci Karpet Rp. 25.000,-/m2
- Cuci & Poles Lantai Keramik Rp.30.000,-/m2
- Cleaning dinding Kaca dalam Rp.30.000,-/m2
- Rental Tanaman indor Rp.30.000,-/tanaman/bulan
2. Lanscapping (Gardening): Jasa pembuatan dan perawatan taman di kantor dan di rumah Anda.
3. Personnel Office Boy: Jasa tenaga Office Boy/Girl bagi perusahaan maupun perumahan.
4. Pest Control: Jasa pengendalian hama, penyemprotan hama untuk membunuh kuman dan serangga di sekitar ruangan dan taman Anda.
5. Pelatihan Cleaning Service: Jasa pelatihan in house maupun outbound bagi petugas cleaning service, baik yang bersifat managerial maupun yang bersifat latihan fisik. Dilatih oleh instructor yang berkompeten di bidangnya. Pelatihan ini terbuka untuk umum dengan syarat :- Warga Negara Indonesia- Pendidikan terendah SLTA- Usia minimal 18 tahun maksimal 35 tahun- Tinggi badan rata-rata minimal di atas 150 cm.
6. Konsultasi: Konsultasi seputar permasalahan kebersihan dan sistem kebersihan di tempat Anda, baik secara managerial maupun system dan technology.
B. Produk Barang
Kami menyediakan alat-alat penunjang kebersihan dengan teknologi yang canggih untuk digunakan di tempat Anda. Baik itu di Gedung maupun perumahan, untuk dapat mempermudah pengerjaan cleaning service.So Segera hubungi D&D Clean and Health International Jakarta klik EMAIL untuk kirim email atau by phone/sms/wa at 081297215269, BBM 5217050C
Selain Petugas Cleaning Serivice dan Office Boy, sebagai usaha outsourcing kami juga bisa menyediakan tenaga Security, Bodyguard. Maaf ini khusus untuk Anda yang mengutamakan kualitas, bukan harga. Terimakasih.
In English
Not Satisfied With Performance of Your Office boy and Cleaning Service...??? D&D Clean and Health International is the solution... we'll make you satisfied...!!! We professionally ready to serve you to make all areas of your environment clean and health with a variety of aromatherapy at your request, we also use chemicals indoor and outdoor.
Sorry...! We provide services specifically for you who care about quality, not only about price...!!!
About Us
D&D Clean and Health International is supported by professional personnel who are trained from various Indonesian companies. We provide cleaning service professional system to provide a comfortable atmosphere, clean and healthy in every area.Not only in the office area but also in the area of your home, we are always ready to help in accordance with the request and your heart will. We also received renovations, manufacture and maintenance of parks / landscaping, swimming pool etc..Based on mutual trust
D&D Clean and Health International will only accept a client certain that we can trust or otherwise we can trust wholeheartedly.Vision, Mission and Corporate Culture: entire extended family
D&D Clean and Health International must always uphold the vision, mission and culture of unity in carrying out various tasks.
Vision: To be a trusted partner for companies, organizations and individuals around the world with the advancement of professionalism in carrying out the duties and responsibilities given.
- Determined to be the best partner for individuals and companies of national and international scale that is useful for the Indonesian nation.
- Provide added value to business partners, companies and employees.
- Continuing to open new jobs (helping people who need job).
Upholding the culture of professionalism in duty, discipline, honest, loyal, dedicated, high integrity, current thinking, creative, work effectively and efficiently.
D&D Clean and Health International Products :
- Product Services (Services / Services)
- Cleaning Serivce (Janitoral): Climatic and environmental conditions in Indonesia are not entirely conducive to Cleanliness. With monsoons, heat and dust, not to mention pollution, it is necessary to take a specialized approach to the professional maintenance of buildings. Services in terms of personal power cleaning service, general cleaning, cleaning one day, good for perkartoran, hospitals, pharmacies, malls, shophouse, shop, factory, or housing, indoor and outdoor cleaning. We have:
- High quality cleaning for the interiors and exteriors of offices, factories, department stores, retail outlets, hotels and service apartments.
- Specialist cleaning for sensitive environments such as schools, hospitals, food processing areas and the factory "clean rooms"* External high-rise glass and facade cleaning as well as cleaning of curtain walls, High Ceilings insideThe building, delicate chandeliers and other decoration objects
- Restoration and maintenance of marble and granite surfaces
- Carpets, curtains and furniture cleaning:
- Cusi Sofa / Chair Rp. 100.000, - / Seat
- Wash Carpet Rp. 25,000, -/m2
- Wash and Polishing Floor Tile Rp. 30,000, -/m2
- Cleaning Indoor Glass walls Rp.30.000, -/m2
- Indor Plant Rental Rp.30,000, -/plant/month.
- Lanscapping (Gardening): Service creation and maintenance of parks in the office and in your home.
- Personnel Office Boy: Office Boy/Girl staff for the company as well as housing.
- Pest Control: pest control services, pest spraying to kill germs and insects around your room and garden.
- Training Cleaning Service: Service in-house training for officers as well as outbound cleaning service, whether they are managerial as well as the nature of physical exercise. Trained by a competent instructor in the field. This training is open to the public with the following requirements:- Citizens of Indonesia- Education lowest high school- Minimum age 18 years 35 years maximum- Height minimum average above 150 cm.6. Consultation: Consultation regarding the problems of cleanliness and hygiene systems in place, both in managerial and systems and technology.
- Product Goods.
- Products Goods Providing support tools hygiene with sophisticated technology to use in your place. Whether it's at the Building and housing, in order to facilitate the work cleaning service.So Immediately contact D&D Clean and Health International Jakarta by phone/sms/wa at 081297215269, BBM 5217050C or email to us.
Mau informasi investasi dengan profit bagi hasi 10% hingga 15% per bulan resmi, amanah, aman dan nyaman...? Bila berminat segera berkonsultansi dengan saya, silahkan hubungi saya melalui Phone/SMS/WA di 081297215269, BBM 5217050C. Insya Allah Anda akan segera menikmati juga profitnya, amiin.
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